My design for a small pool pavillion is under construction. Here are a few snapshots of my first structure to be built in Palm Springs. The design has evolved somewhat from the preliminary sketches, the columns were paired and moved to the sides to make a central more prominent bay, instead of three equal bays in the sketches. The idea was to be sympathetic to the adjacent house but have a seperate identity as well. What was originally presented as an open pavillion now has more enclosure, a small utility room now terminates the west(Mountain) side, where a full length mirror is slated to be installed. It should be a fine folly in the classical modern tradition- see my October 25th post for more theoretical discourse.
I always get a thrill out of seeing something I draw get built- My ouevre is small, but increasing, I have designed far more buildings than have been built, what designer hasn't ?I love drawing, so sometimes I can be creatively satisfied through sketching alone, atleast there I am unencombered by gravity! But I must confess there is a real "Man in possesion of the Earth" feeling seeing something built from my imagination. I must also express gratitude to my clients in this case who shall remain anonymous, they have been a joy to work with and to bounce ideas off of. So if anyone is looking for a starving undiscovered talent to tap send me an comment!